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China Coast Guard responds to trespassing of illegal Philippine ships

TIME:2024-06-03 17:43:22 Source: Internet compilationEdit:style

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The China Coast Guard lawfully responded to multiple vessels from the Philippines that acted illegal

The China Coast Guard lawfully responded to multiple vessels from the Philippines that acted illegally near the Houteng Reef in the South China Sea on Thursday, said the China Coast Guard on Saturday. 

Gan Yu, the CCG spokesperson, said in a statement that "the Philippine side on Thursday organized multiple vessels to illegally operate near Houteng Reef in China's Nansha Islands. 

"The China Coast Guard handled the situation in accordance with the law and regulations, with professional and standard procedures on the scene," he said, stressing that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters, including Houteng Reef. 

Gan emphasized that the Philippine government vessels, under the guise of "protecting fisheries", illegally infringed and provoked, organized media to deliberately hype and mislead, and continuously disrupted the stability of the South China Sea. 

"We warn the Philippine side that any infringement tactics are futile," he said.

He warned that the CCG will conduct law enforcement and rights protection activities in the waters under China's jurisdiction as usual, resolutely safeguarding territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.